Event Leaders

The majority of our events are lead by club members who take initiative to lead events. Some of the events will be led by a guest non-member. Our Member Directory identifies members who are event leaders.

Event Leader OppOrtunities

Become an event leader and discover the joy of sharing your favorite adventure with a group of friends!

Any active member can request to lead an event by submitting a New Event Form. Submitted form will be reviewed by our Board of Directors and, when approved, event will be added to the calendar. Events can be free or for a fee to cover effort that goes into planning the event. Events that have an associated cost for equipment rental, lodging...etc., the cost will become part of the event fee.

We also ask our Event Leaders to sign our Code of Conduct form.

Become a member, become a leader! 

Women's Outdoors Club, Inc.
3179 Green Valley Rd., Suite 508
Birmingham, AL 35243

Credits: Logo / Lidija Namike   |   Photos / Molly Sinclair Thomas

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