So you want to try hiking and see if that's something you will like, or you have a few hikes under your soles and you are looking for the right gear that will make the hiking experience better? Right gear will definitely make a difference and could either make or break your hike. Keep reading to learn the three must-haves that I recommend to improve your hiking experience.

First: A long, light weight pants. Long pants will protect your legs from bugs and briars, also if you happen to fall they will protect your skin. Quality pants will last a long time.
My personal favorite is Eddie Bauer Women' Guide Pro Pants. They come in various fits: Regular, Tall, Petite and Plus. They are thin enough to wear in summer and roomy enough to wear leggings underneath in winter for extra warmth. They have pockets and come in great color options.
Second: Comfortable, non-slip hiking shoes. Hiking shoes must be tried on in person before you make the purchase. Once you know the brand, size and fit that you like you can purchase consequent pairs on line. Look for hiking shoes or trail running shoes, they will provide better comfort fit and will have non-slippery sole.
Consider waterproof hiking shoes if you plan to hike in cold temperatures. You will be crossing creeks, wet trail areas and your shoes will get wet. Waterproof shoes will keep your feet dry and comfortable.
My personal favorite is Merrell Women's Moab Waterproof Shoes. They have a great support and cushion for my feet. Hiking shoes will wear out over time. When you feel that your feet are no longer getting sole support they used to have, it's time to get a new pair.
Third: You will need a backpack that is suited for the length of your hike and that fits your back. For a short day hike you will want to bring a small, light weight pack that has room for your water, snacks and extra layer of clothing. All backpacks has size in liters. Good size for a daypack is 18-20 Liters. Look for a women's pack, they will have women's specific shoulder straps that fit better then unisex pack straps.
My favorite daypack is CamelBak Women’s Helena 20 Hiking Hydration Pack, and this is why: It has very comfortable shoulder and hip straps. Hip straps have small pockets where I can store snacks. It comes with hydration bladder that is easy to use, and very practical layout of compartments.

Let me know if you found this helpful and what gear you are using that you love.
See you on the trail soon!